Some of the world’s famous quotes

Given below Quotes are some of the world’s famous quotes.

“Not wine… intoxicate themselves

Not vice…. Men entice themselves”

———— China.

“One should go invited to a friend in good fortune,

And uninvited in misfortune”

—— Sweden.

“Poor men seek meat for their stomach,

Rich men stomach for their meat”


“Stars are not seen by sunshine”


“The man with the bots not mind where he places his foot”


“The night rinses what the day has soaped”


“Think with the wise but walk with the vulgar”


“An enemy will agree, but a friend will argue”


“Do not look where you fell, but where you sliped”


“Love makes the time pass. Time makes love pass”


Alice names of Top cities in the world

Here are some of the names that these cities in world are called otherwise. They are as follows

“Luminous city”- Banaras, India.

“The little paris”- Bucharest, Romania.

“Silver capital of the world” – Taxco, Mexico.

“ The golden city” – Prague, CzechRepublic.

“City of lights”- Paris, France.

“White city”- Lisbon, Portugal.

“Festival city” – Salzburg, Austria.

“Marvelous city”- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

“City of love” – Rome , Italy.

“The square mile”- London, England.

“The garden city”- Christchurch, NZ